Fundamentals of Occlusion: Diagnosing and Treating Occlusal Pathology

Scott Cairns, DDS

April 2017 Course - Expires Thursday, April 30th, 2020

Web Only


In this program, Dr. Cairns will provide participants with a greater understanding the fundamentals of occlusion, from diagnosis and treatment planning to record taking and treating basic occlusal pathology.

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COST: $0
PROVIDER: Dental Learning Systems, LLC
SOURCE: CDEWorld | April 2017
COMMERCIAL SUPPORTER: PDS University™ – Institute of Dentistry

Learning Objectives:

  • Categorize and classify a patient based on the examination results of the occlusion and temporomandibular joint
  • Discuss how to treat patient muscle pain with the use of a single appliance (full coverage flat plane)
  • Describe the rules for posterior determinants of occlusion to a single tooth or incomplete quadrant dentistry


Dr. Cairns has received an honorarium from Dental Learning Systems, LLC, for his preparation and presentation of this program.

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